Captive bred dart frogs
Frogs I Keep
R. Imitator 'Varadero'

O. Histrionica 'Redhead'

D. Tinctorius 'Azureus'

O. Pumillio 'Bastimentos'

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About Me
My name is Ricky and since I was a child I have been intrigued with amphibians.
This is still present in adulthood, so when I found out I could keep poison dart frogs in captivity it was a no brainer.
Keeping dart frogs as a pet is is very enjoyable due to their striking appearance and entertaining behaviors.
As a keeper I strive to provide optimal care and raise healthy frogs and froglets.
If you are interested in acquiring frogs, or have any other questions please feel free to Contact Me.
I will respond as soon as possible.
Thank you for visiting the site.
Happy frogging!